Airline Travel During Covid: A GoSeeIt People Interview

My friend Susan and I have cruised together, (on a Zumba cruise…see our reports here) so I know how she loves to travel, bur she had to reschedule a trip to Disney with her family when she became sick with Covid 19 herself!! Once she was well enough and not infectious, visiting her son, who is active duty military and was about to be deployed, and his family took top priority! Here’s my interview with Susan- Kathy

After her illness, Susan is masked and ready to go, even if the llama isn’t setting the best example of masking and social distancing!!

After her illness, Susan is masked and ready to go, even if the llama isn’t setting the best example of masking and social distancing!!

Here’s Susan’s Story

My name is Susan Sims and I have a husband, one son, his wife and three grandchildren. Oh, and 2 Shih Tzu's! I love to travel especially to tropical areas and with my Zumba friends or my husband and family. I like snorkeling and underwater photography and just taking pictures. My husband and I have a small plumbing company and Zumba is my favorite activity.

My son is in the Air Force and was supposed to be deployed in June to Saudi Arabia. I hadn't seen him or his family since November and really wanted to see him before he left and to see my grandchildren!! We were supposed to meet at Disney in Orlando in early March but I was very sick. They came down from St Louis but I just didn't feel like joining them and then Disney closed a few days after they got there. I was very sick for two weeks and the Dr said I had flu, then bronchitis despite me insisting it was Covid.

That's why I really wanted to go to St Louis because that's where my son lives. I didn't want to fly due to Covid 19 but decided if I got a test that said I was positive for Covid antibodies I would go. It did come back positive and despite the unknown reliability of the test I decided to go. Two close friends had the test and they came back positive also. We were all sick about the same time. The test was to see if I'd already had it and was over it and (to see if I) had antibodies, not too be mistaken with the test to see if you presently have (Covid 19). If I weren't convinced I'd (already) had it I would not have gotten on an airplane.

Susan’s Experience at the Airport and On Board

Nearly empty airports are being observed by many travelers these days.

Nearly empty airports are being observed by many travelers these days.

I left from Columbia airport to Charlotte NC then St Louis MO. I always plan my own travel and researched the new rules from TSA. I flew on American airlines and I commend them. This was a whole new travel experience which I hope continues! The Columbia and St Louis airports were practically deserted. Charlotte had a few more people and it was sad seeing all the closed restaurants and stores.

They had marked everything for social distancing and the same moving people onto the plane. I told them I didn't want to be seated by anyone and they did a great job separating people if requested! Everyone had to wear masks unless there was some medical reason they couldn't. Also getting off the plane people weren't allowed to jump into the aisle but had to wait until the people in the row in front of them moved forward.

Most people did keep their masks on especially in the plane. Attitudes varied and (some people) were a little tense but the airline people were nicer than ever.

Susan’s Visit and a Surprise!

I had a great visit with my son, wife and 3 grand-kids. We didn't go much because things are still in the early phases of opening. The St Louis Arch is a don't miss and the zoo is nice also, but none of that on this trip. I had a great surprise though. My son and best friend from Arkansas conspired to surprise me and they did!!!

Susans son surprised her by arranging a visit from her best friend who lives nearer to her son’s family than to Susan’s home on the east coast.

Susans son surprised her by arranging a visit from her best friend who lives nearer to her son’s family than to Susan’s home on the east coast.

She's about 5 hours away and we had talked all week about wishing she could come. She came up behind me at McAlister's while my son and I were social distancing waiting on (take out) food. I had no idea who was grabbing my shoulder. I saw her and immediately hugged her tight, then turned back around then hugged her again and again. Human touch is very powerful and I think that's been hardest for me.

Zumba Buddies are hard to keep apart! This picture from 2019 shows Susan’s Zumba buddies on a Zumba Cruise. Can you spot Susan and I on opposite sides of the picture?  (Photo J Klofft)

Zumba Buddies are hard to keep apart! This picture from 2019 shows Susan’s Zumba buddies on a Zumba Cruise. Can you spot Susan and I on opposite sides of the picture? (Photo J Klofft)

That's the danger with Zumba buddies, you can't help but hug. She and I babysat my 3 g kids the next evening since it was my son and daughter in law’s anniversary! We watched movies, walked and played outside and soaked up love!!

I hate to see my son go but I'm glad I went when I did instead of waiting or I'd have missed him. We also had an early birthday celebration for my son and grandson. Their birthdays are early June so had to celebrate early.

Tips From Susan:

  • My advice is whether you've had the virus or not, there's so many unknowns that caution is best. You have to wear a mask. I would get away from people then breathe with it down for a little while. It's hard breathing in them and my face doesn't react well if you see my red eyes and face in pictures but better safe.

  • Take a small hand sanitizer and use it!!! The planes are cleaner than ever but caution!! Some people don't take this thing very seriously and (some) don’t care who they infect but I'm high risk with diabetes and until they know more about it, I'll remain cautious because I was a respiratory therapist for 15 years working with ventilators in ICU and I don't want to try it!!!

  • Go to the gate and request to be in a row by yourself if that concerns you.

Editors Note: Deciding when and where to travel and how to do that safely will vary for each person. For Susan, the WHY of travel was most important…seeing her son before his deployment. Here are some resources I trust to help you plan any travel you have to do.

Wendy Perrin Travel Site, updated state by state travel info here. Also see Airfare Watchdog site below for updated restrictions to places abroad.

Be sure to check with the airlines you hope to use to see what their most current policies are…they vary widely, from cancellations policies to seating and social distancing policies. Some airlines are holding open middle seats, while others filling planes. Choose the provider you find meets your needs. See an article by Airfare Watchdog who I trust with up to date information on which airlines are doing what, as well as flight restrictions here.

Thanks Susan for sharing your adventure and advice with all of us!

(Photos by Susan Sims, except where noted)

The Secret to Surviving Long Haul Flights

With all the headlines of mayhem on planes, puppies perishing in the overhead bin, folks being dragged off planes, kids kicking you seat,  I have one word that has changed how I approach a long flight...


That's right...a word I learned in my yoga classes that serves as a respectful greeting.  Taking my yoga practice on the road has made all the difference between surviving a flight and ending up in the headlines!

Right off the bat, let's acknowledge that the airlines are doing things mostly wrong.  Cramming people in smaller and smaller spaces to maximize profits, neglecting to inform passengers about changes and failing to update passengers frequently. Add to that terrible policies, such over booking and charging fees for luggage, that create even more uncertainly and mayhem at boarding time. But in yoga I have learned something about living in a dysfunctional world.  I've learned that all we can change is how we react to the uncertainty and mayhem! And one way to do that is to greet everyone respectfully and to prepare my body for the journey ahead.

What follows is a list of ways practicing yoga has changed the way I approach flying the increasingly unfriendly skies...

High above the ground...find a peaceful place! 

1- The physical practice of yoga has made my body more flexible to fit and endure the average coach seat without arriving at my destination in considerable discomfort. Not only do I start out more flexible and with less aches and pains, but I end the flight feeling better and ready for my trip or business. 

2-The twists and stretches I've learned have allowed me to relax and stretch in my seat during the flight, especially when pinned in a window seat or when the seat belt light never seems to turn off!

3-The breathing practice, or meditation, which emphasizes eliminating distractions, has allowed me to relax during stressful times at the gate and on board.  I have now learned to sleep on board despite being a poor sleeper generally and a variety of annoying passenger behaviors, just by using my breathing practice to ignore them!

4-Yin yoga has taught me to the practice of living with what is, breathing through the discomfort until it passes, and accepting what you can't change. This has allowed me to be more empathetic, respectful and patient with the airline workers, (who also don't like these bad policies, but are stuck enforcing them) as well as fellow passengers whose bad behavior is almost always their own stress response!

When cancellations or changes in plans get frustrating...try yoga and meditation! 

So find yourself a yoga class for beginners, one that emphasizes breathing and mindfulness. I do Yoga with Cat with JRO Fitness in Sudbury. Your local recreation  center may offer them, or you can find a yoga center. 

Try a yoga app, such as Yoga Studio which is my favorite for the road.  However, I really recommend you work with a certified teacher first to make sure that you have the right alignment and know what's most important to practice safely.

Practice regularly, if you find yourself waiting for a client call or in waiting room, take those minutes to practice breathing. Once a day, pick a time to practice a few of the poses that make your body feel best. Make it a daily morning or evening activity, or set a timer on your phone. You don't always have to be in a class to practice!

Lastly, don't fear the "woo woo".  Lots of very practical people feel eastern philosophies are a bit "out there" or are afraid they won't be "good enough" or they will be brainwashed.  With the right instructor none of that is true!  ANYONE can begin to understand their own breath and body better, no matter your size, shape or health condition (though check in with your own Dr first before starting any exercise program) you should be able to make it better with the kind of breathe work and flexibility encouraged in yoga.  If anything feels wrong, don't do it! 

By K. Klofft (No compensation has been given for recommendations, these are all products or services I personally use.) Photos: J. Klofft